Saturday, February 22, 2014

iWalk 2.0 Crutch

Revolutionary iWalk 2.0 Makes Crutches Obsolete!

Hands-free mobility crutch substitute. Those suffering lower leg, foot and ankle injuries can resume their normal daily routines during rehabilitation. For most people suffering lower leg, foot and ankle injuries, the answer is YES! iWalk 2.0 is a great way to improve your qualify of life during your rehabilitation. That said, since every physique and every injury is unique, we recommend that you always consult with your health care professional before using the iWalk 2.0.

If you have a lower leg, ankle or foot injury that is required to be non-weight bearing during recovery, then, in most instances, iWalk 2.0 Crutch will work for you.

Typical injuries include (but are not limited to) any sprain, strain, fracture, dislocation or surgery to the lower leg, ankle or foot. Common conditions we experience are sprained ankles, fractures of the lower leg, foot or ankle, Achilles tendon injuries and surgeries, foot surgeries such as bunion or foot ulcer correction. iWalk 2.0 is also useful as a gateway device during prosthetic limb transition periods or as a shower / swim prosthetic for users of permanent prosthetic limbs. In short, if you’ve sustained an injury to your lower calf, ankle or foot, and you need to be non-weight bearing, then iWalk 2.0 can be used instead of conventional crutches.

You are a good candidate for a crutch alternative like the iWalk 2.0 if:
  • Prior to your injury you were not challenged by normal ambulatory activities such as walking, climbing stairs, etc.
  • Your injury is to one leg (or foot, ankle or Achilles tendon) only.
  • Your injury is to the lower leg, ankle, Achilles tendon or foot and requires you to be non-weight bearing during your rehabilitation
  • You are between 4’10” (147CM) and 6’6” (198cm). The iWALK 2.0 is fully adjustable for a wide range of heights and leg sizes. If you fall outside of this range, contact us for an individual assessment first.
  • You weigh 275 pounds (125 kg) or less and your maximum leg circumference is 27 inches (69 cm) or less (measurement taken as high as possible on the thigh).
  • If you’re wearing a cast, make sure you can still bend your knee to 90 degrees.
A good quick test to see if the iWALK 2.0 might be suitable is to place the shin of the injured leg (with your leg bent 90 degrees) on a padded bench or chair. If you can carry weight in this manner for a few minutes and the shin and knee remain comfortable, this is a very good indication that iWALK 2.0 will work for you.

If you are suffering from lower leg, foot, and ankle injuries or Plantar fasciitis treatment and are required to be non-weight bearing during recovery, then you can use the iWalk 2.0 crutch to improve your quality of life during rehabilitation.

Typical injuries that a hands-free crutch are appropriate for include (but are not limited to) any sprain, strain, fracture, dislocation or surgery to the lower leg, ankle or foot. Common conditions we experience are sprained ankles, fractures of the lower leg, foot or ankle, Foot fracture, Achilles tendon injuries and surgeries, foot surgeries such as bunion or foot ulcer correction. There are exceptions to the guidelines provided above, so if you fall outside of those listed here, don’t be discouraged – just give us a call so we can discuss your specific circumstances.

iWALK 2.0 may not be suited for:
  • People that have poor health, diminished strength or who have any mobility challenges that are unrelated to the injury.
  • Those that are significantly overweight are not ideal candidates, but that does not mean it won't work! Contact us for an individual assessment.
  • Those that are unwilling to spend one to two hours to become proficient in using the iWALK 2.0. (We’ve seen many cases where users get used to iWALK 2.0 in minutes, but everyone is different).
  • People with injuries to the knee or upper leg.
The iWALK 2.0 crutch is also useful as a gateway device during prosthetic limb transition periods or as a shower/swim prosthetic for users of permanent prosthetic limbs. In short, if you’ve sustained an injury to your lower calf, Below knee amputation, ankle or foot, and you need to be non-weight bearing, then iWalk 2.0 crutch is a great option to avoid the pain and inconvenience of conventional crutches.

However, every injury is unique, so we always recommend that you consult with your health care professional before choosing any rehabilitation device.

iWalk 2.0 Handless Crutch Testimonials:

"I want other surgeons to know about it"

Dr. William "Clark" Jernigan is a board certified Orthopaedic Surgeon from Greenville, SC with 29 years of experince.

I'm a 58 year old orthopedic surgeon. I recently sustained a plafond fracture which required surgery. I got your device today and after a very few minutes I love it! This device is going to enable me to operate again three weeks sooner than would have been the case withouth it.

Thank you to the inventor. I love engineering excellence and this product exudes excellence. I want other surgeons to know about it. If you want a testimonial I'll be glad to give you one."

Clark Jernigan, MD
Age 58
Greenville, SC


“As a physician, I’ve never seen a device that does so much for the patient.”

"My husband recently suffered a lower leg injury and was facing a long non-weight bearing recovery using crutches and knee scooter. Life without the iWALK 2.0 was miserable; we were all in a really bad place. I wanted to cry every day. Then we found the iWALK 2.0 and everything changed.

A lot of medical conditions lead to depression, I see this in my practice all the time, and we were gearing up towards this, then he put on his iWALK 2.0 and he was back to his old self, enjoying himself, contributing to the family and back to work. He’s able to do pretty much everything except run.

It’s helped my life tremendously – I had to do everything, feed him, feed the kids, tend to his needs as he was physically incapable of doing it himself. It was miserable. I was looking at 12 weeks of this and thinking “I’m not going to survive this”. Day one on the iWALK 2.0 he was up doing normal things, helping me cook dinner, going upstairs, putting the kids to bed, things he used to do before. Now, he’s really happy, I’m happy, and everybody in our family is happy. You can hardly tell he’s hurt.

It’s wonderful for the family.

My husband is pretty athletic, so I wanted to try it myself to see how well it worked. It worked fine – I only had it on a couple of minutes and I went around the room, went up and down a few steps, walked on carpet, tile and concrete. It was easy.

I’m most excited about the mood change I saw in him. The boys named him “grumpy” (and they were right). He went from looking like he was in prison with his wheelchair and crutches, to right back to being his old happy and content self with the iWALK 2.0.

He’s back on the playing field with the kids. And we’re going camping this weekend - we’re going to stay in a tent! That would be impossible with crutches or a knee scooter.

As a physician, I’ve never seen a device that does so much for the patient."

Dr. Gretchen Lorenz, MD
Piqua, Ohio

“I will never be able to describe in worlds how much the iWALK 2.0 has done for me and my family."

The iWalk 2.0 is doctor approved!

Before the iWALK 2.0

On Labor day 2013 I ruptured my Achilles Tendon. Two days later, Ihad a major surgical repair of my tendon. I was given 12 weeks non-weight bearing for my left leg. For the first 2.5 weeks I used crutches and a wheelchair to get around.

Before my injury I was a very active person. I worked out 3-4 times a week, ran in a few Warrior Dashes, coached soccer, not to mention all of the daily household activities. Then I ruptured my Achilles and all of my activities came to a complete stop. I could get around on crutches and the wheelchair but that is it - I couldn’t do anything with my hands. It didn’t take long for the depression to start sinking in. My wife and two young boys could tell I was not the happy and energetic husband/father that I once was. I became more and more tired and irritable each day, but then I heard about the iWALK 2.0.

While Using the iWALK 2.0

The night I heard of the iWALK 2.0 I got online and Googled the contraption. When I found out it was only $149.00, it was a no-brainer to give it a try. A couple days later I was assembling the iWALK 2.0 and getting it to fit me just right. Within about 20 minutes I was taking my first steps in nearly 3 weeks. The freedom to walk hands-free and do so many simple things that I used to take for granted is something to cherish. My family could see the difference in my mental state starting that very first day. I was so happy to be able to walk and do things for myself and for my family. I was able to cook dinner that night, help with the cleanup, help get my kids ready for bed and then tuck them in for the first time since the injury. I am back to working out 3-4 times a week, coaching soccer and doing all my daily household activities. The Warrior Dashes will have to wait, but I can do almost anything I want except run. My recovery time will be dramatically less because of the mental and physical help the iWALK 2.0 has provided.

I will never be able to describe in words how much the iWALK 2.0 has done for my family and I. It gave me back a life that had been taken away from me. I have been able to go to an NFL game and maneuver the stadium with ease, and I even took my family on a camping trip and set up camp, tent, chairs, food and fire. I can once again go outside and throw the ball with my boys, play laser tag with them and go on an evening walk with my wife, kids and dog as a whole family. The iWALK 2.0 turned a temporarily life changing injury into just a couple months of wearing a really cool looking peg leg. People ask me about it everywhere I go and I never get tired of explaining it to them how great the device works for me. The iWALK 2.0 won’t change your life, it lets you keep the one you always had!

Thank you for developing this product.

Erich Courtad
Piqua Family Practice Manager

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